Yeah, I’m having that feeling. Everything is great. Perfect. And in total hollywood cliche… Too perfect. As much as love how things are going right now, I know it can’t last.

I’m not really sure why I’m so happy right now. At this moment I should be frustrated, worried and pissed of because of my inability to finish al my homework. It may sound stupid, but that’s what I should be feeling right now. Instead I’m feeling… Happiness. Its strange. It could be that everything is just going right, or it could be my new attitude and way of seeing things. I don’t know.

Not that I’m complaining at all, far from it. I love my life right now. I just know that this happiness cannot last, that something is going to happen soon and threaten to bring me crashing down. But you know what?

I don’t care.

What’s the point of being worried about an unknown future? Why bother preparing for the coming rains when I don’t even know which side they are approaching from?

I’m just going to enjoy the now, bask in the sunshine for as long as I can. When the tough times come, ill deal with them swiftly and return to this feeling of bliss.

So I decided to try what I was talking about last night… And it works. I really can just choose to be happy, and ignore all the daily crap. It’s not easy, but it can be done.


Fear. Sadness. Depression. Worry. Loneliness. Betrayal.

Not the happiest list of emotions. Unfortunately, these are the emotions that I have been feeling recently. And not just me, it seems to be contagious. Nearly everyone I know is feeling some or all of these too. I don’t know what is happening. I don’t why it’s happening. I’m only sure of one thing…

I don’t like it.

This is strange for me. Especially this level of… badness. I know mostly why I feel like this, I don’t know why everyone else seems to be suffering from it. This is not me. I am usually a happy, out of my mind crazy kind of guy. I milk the good moments for everything they are worth, treasure the great moments for life, and let the sad times float by. I don’t dwell on the hurts, and whenever I come to those moments I can’t stop regretting, I find some way of distracting myself long enough to forget. Now however… I think with everything that has been happening, it has been too hard to just try and push past the bad moments. They have piled up, forming an impenetrable wall of depression.

Enough is enough. Today I woke up thinking, “I just can’t be bothered doing this anymore.” It’s too much… and there is no point at all. Why do I bother being sad, when I can be so much more?

So I say:


Fuck you Fear.

Screw you Sadness.

Die Depression.

Watch out Worry.

Lay off Loneliness.

Back of Betrayal.


I don’t need ANY of you. I sick and tired of you. Of feeling like this. No more.



I Choose To Be…


Because I Can.

Interesting word, friendship. I have friends. You have friends. Everyone has friends. Right?

I’m not so sure actually. What is a friend? I mean, I have friends of varying degrees. I have a group of school friends. I have best friends. But what does that even mean? What makes someone a “best friend?” And how are the the best if I have more than one? How do I decide who I am more friendly with? It could be based on anything. How much time I’ve spent with that person. How well I know them, their deepest are darkest secrets. How much I trust them, confide in them my secret fears.

And yet that poses even more questions. how do I choose who to trust? Why are they trusting me? I usually don’t think about this at all. I have friends, I talk to them, they talk to me. that is usually enough for me. However, certain events recently have forced to to reconsider, to step back and see who my true friends really are.


And I just thought that you should know


I like that term.

“True friend”

It holds a lot more value to me than “best friend” ever will. I have many best friends. I have lots of close friends. True friends however, cannot be categorised with those terms. The way I see it, a true friend is someone who you are… truly friends with. Someone who you trust, someone who trusts you. Someone who won’t leave you out in the cold. Someone who is there for you in those time when you really need them.

A true friend can be anyone. It can be that person you talk to every day and every night. The one who you haven’t seen in years, but when you talk to them, it’s like you were with they just yesterday. They can be the person you see once a week just for a little while, but you always leave smiling. They can be the person you have only met once, yet you speak to them like you have known them for years.


I’ve been holding on while you’ve been letting go


Best friends are useless. I don’t see the point of a best friend. Most of the time, a best friend is someone you have known for a long time. Does time actually mean anything? Sure it does, most of the time. But not always. Sometimes the person you have known the longest be the person who knows the real you the least. Best friends can also be someone you relate to the best. Surely, that makes them a true friend? No. What does it matter how much this person is like you? Does it matter if they are exactly like you? In the end, they are still going to betray you.


Can I be so bold?


Yes, it’s the sad truth. Your friends will betray you. All of them, at one point or another, will stab you in the back. It may be something small, like giving away a small, stupid secret, or it could be something major, like denying your friendship in front of someone else. They will betray you. Your friends, your school group, your sporting team, your band, your close friends, your best friends call them whatever you want.

They will betray you.

And this is where you realise the true nature of humans. This is where you see the true character of your friends. How they betray you is important. Does it matter that they told your crush that you like them? Not if they still spend every night on the phone with you, helping you deal with your family problems. This kind of person is a true friend. Someone you should hold on to, because it is rare to find friends who are so caring.


Cause all this sucking up to you is just getting old


The mark of the true friend is their ability to overcome betrayal. Because this works both ways. They may betray you, but you are going to betray them as well. It is your ability, and theirs, to get over this betrayal that really shows how “close” of friends you are. If you manage to get over it, push past the hard times and work out your problems together then congratulations, you have found yourself a true friend.

I’m not saying you can’t have best friends. Or close friends. They are there for you too. Your friends are always with you through the great times, and help you get through the difficult ones. But a true friend is someone you know you will be close to for life. Someone who would help you in anyway possible, at any time. Someone who isn’t afraid to acknowledge you friendship.

Someone who is there for you.


Well it’s not too late to say it right this time


There is only one final thing to talk about. Love. They say love transcends everything. Including betrayal.

No. The ones you love, they will betray you. Without question. And for anyone who thinks a betrayal from a loved one would be easier to handle? Think again. Someone you trusted, someone you needed, someone you loved betrayed you. They know how to get to you. They know you, maybe even better than you do. They know exactly what you love, and what you fear. They know how to get to you.

When someone you love betrays you…

It hurts.


Cause I know I said I’m sorry, but that’s not what I meant to say

You bitching bitches bitching about bitches, I’m going to bitch to my bitches about your bitching, bitches.

…Ok, is that even the right word to use here? ‘Politics?’ Wikipedia says so. Apparently politics means “a process by which a group of people make collective decisions.”

Hmm… it could be right then. I guess people deciding not to like someone is politics. Or not to talk to someone. Or just to completely ignore them. But wait! What if another person likes that person but hates someone else? And that person likes she first person but hates cows! And the cow and person 2 hates the lamppost!

…Who said politics was confusing?

Now I usually try to avoid these kinds of situations, but sometimes I end up getting caught in them… especially when they involve me. Sometimes it just happens. I wish we could all just get along, no fights or backstabbing or three-way bitching.

…Oh yeah, and i wish for a Lamborghini and world peace.

I get it, it’s a dream. It’s never going to happen. Obviously it’s asking too much for friends to be… friendly.

Wow, today was a fun day.

…Nothing else needs to be said.



I don’t know. There is so much about me that isn’t certain. I am the happiest person you will ever meet. I am the saddest person you will never see. i am completely, totally crazy. I am fully, perfectly sane. I spend so much time trying to figure out other people, I have never really taken the time to try and figure me out.


Maybe someone out there knows.


I like a lot of things. I like early mornings after a late night, that strange I-should-be-tired-but-I’m-not feeling. I like bright, sunny days on the beach with a large group, or with close friends. I like rainy days, walking home soaking wet, or staying inside and listening to the sound of the rain hitting the windows.


I like all that. But I don’t like days.


I like nights. I like the darkness, hiding so easily in the shadows. The night, the darkness, it feels… safe. A place where I can be myself and not have to pretend. I place I can reveal my emotions, because I know no-one else will see.


I guess these are the years you are supposed to discover yourself. Have I? No. But I have discovered other people. Why is it, when I can read others so easily, I don’t know the smallest thing about me?

Who would have thought an ad from Google…



Could be so cute?

